Corso Severgnini

An intermediate level course with a focus on moving to a new city, and having to learn to speak a new language.

Corso Severgini includes:
  • 8 group classes (2 hours per class)

  • 2 private classes (1 hour per class)*

* Private classes are intended to enhance your learning experience by integrating what you learn during group classes and focusing on your individual needs. Both private classes will take place during the 8 weeks of the course. You will schedule the time and place of both classes with your instructor.


Course Materials

All course materials and resources are accessible from our online learning platform - Moodle - upon registration.

You will also have access to an online forum where you will have the opportunity to communicate, collaborate and share information with your classmates and other students at your proficiency level.

When, Where and Cost
Start Date
End Date
Jan 21st
March 11th
from 6:30 pm 
to 8:30 pm

Last modified: Monday, 9 November 2015, 12:03 PM